Wednesday 29 February 2012



people said

a song with title cry

but for me, i need some reasons to cry

1. because of Allah, mak, and family.
2. because of my study, especially in DESIGN.
3.because of watching sad drama or movie (k-drama especially)

some of my friends try so hard to make me cry, but i do need strong reason to cry. i hate wasting my tears because of some small matters. do enjoy of your short life with smile not tears. ^_^

Sunday 2 October 2011


BEFORE (manual painting)

AFTER (edited)

This abstract painting was made from the idea of my chosen activity for Y-Port in our syllabus. The meaning of this painting is about bike abstract. As you can see, there are perspective view of bicycles. The colour reprsent some meanings.
  • blue and yellow : colour of Penang's flag. (should include white colour).
  • grey : colour of road.
  • yellow chocolate : ground road.
  • colourful of bicycle : colourful of life.
"change your intentions to study because of Allah"

Tuesday 23 August 2011

ada dara lu kolot!!!


mesti ada yg terkejut tgk tajuk ni. tp before bg apa-apa komen, watch this video first...
p/s : budak ni lebih kurang mcm anwar hadi, matlutfi & seangkatan dgnnya..tak kisah la mcm sapa, yg penting kita tgk isi video ni.

dunia dah nak kiamat la katakan. org islam kembali jahil. ada dara pon bole ckp org kolot. agaknya, waktu kelas pendidikan islam, diorang tidur takpon time ni la diorang buat projek. WALLAHUALAM.
ok. sekarang ni yg menjadi isu ialah ADA DARA LU KOLOT. lu gila ka apa hah? benda tu mahkota setiap wanita (walaupon slalu iklan kt tv ckp rambut mahkota wanita). diorang ni dah tahap tak ada rasa malu. aku penah terbaca satu fakta.
apa masalah diorang? knp jadi mcm ni? negara kita, negara islam kot. mcm mana bole dpt nama negara islam kalo bukan rakyatnya majoriti org islam. orang islam mcm ni ke perangai? malu lah kita dgn penganut agama lain. sepatutnya kita ni jadi contoh yg baik dkt agama lain, ni tidak. tebalik kot.
apa nak buat dgn budak2 mcm ni eh?
mereka2 ni, sebenanya hanyut di bawa arus pemodenan. biarlah pemodenan tu terus berkembang tp arah hidup kita tak perlulah terikut2 moden tu. tak mati pon la kalo tak ikot. 
haish. bernanah la pulak rasanya bila ckp pasal hal ni. kalo aku da marah, lain pulak jadinya.  tak kemana pon kalo takda dara ni wahai adik2 ku sekalian. yang pastinya ke NERAKA JAHANAM kecuali dengan melakukan taubat nasuha.

berdoalah padaNYA supaya tak ada antara ahli keluarga kita yg terjebak dlm "arus pemodenan hidup" ni.
ya Allah ya tuhanku, jauhkanlah diriku, ahli keluargaku,sanak saudaraku, sahabat2ku serta muslimin & muslimat drpd sebarang maksiat.sesungguhnya pada Engkaulah kami meminta dan pada Engkaulah kami memohon. sekiranya ada diantara kami yg terjerumus ke arah itu, tunjukkanlah kami jalan yang benar,berikanlah kami hidayahMu Ya Allah supaya kami berada di jalan yang diredhaiMu. amiiiin ya Rabbala'lamin.

 ate, kome pikir2 le apa yg baik & buruk. sama2 lah kita mengingati & menyedarkan satu sama lain. ^_^

Thursday 18 August 2011

apa yang penting???

nawaitu itulah yang penting. sangat penting!!!

nak puasa benda wajib pon kena niat kan? inikan pulak benda2 lain yang sunat. mesti la kena ada niat. kalo niat baik, maka baiklah jadinya. kalo niat jahat, maka jahatlah jadinya.
barangsiapa yang berniat baik walaupun sekadar niat, maka dicatatkan pahala kebaikan kepadanya. tetapi barangsiapa yang berniat jahat, tidak mencatatkan kejahatan kepadanya. betapa sayangnya ALLAH kpd hambanya.

so, mulai sekarang niatlah keatas segala kebaikan kerana ALLAH s.w.t. sekalipun tidak keranaNYA,sekurang-kurangnya niatlah demi ibu bapamu.

semoga semua urusan kita direstui olehNYA. amiiin. ^_^

Saturday 13 August 2011

some thoughts of ARCHITECTURE

architecture is SOMETHING ABOUT EVERYTHING. in other word is, senibina itu LUAS.
simple example:

department of building + quantity survey + interior design + engineering + office management + bussiness + art =  ARCHITECTURE

why did i say that?
we at least need to have knowledge from each part of these to complete our learning in architecture.
to get more explanation department of building, quantity survey, interior design & architecture is under the same roof but architecture is the major. 

Quantity surveyor can't be an Architect but Architect can be Q.surveyor.
Interior designer can't be Architect but Architect can.
others are the same.

why CAN'T they be ARCHITECT?
because they're learning EVERYTHING ABOUT SOMETHING.

as we know, to learn architecture we need to know skills how to convince others about our idea, dare to tell your ideas to others.

architecture is something we do for REASONS.

lets see, we back to the basic meaning of architecture. Architecture is primarily about making spaces for human beings to inhabit, and in doing so expresses what it means for man to inhabit this earth. 

It can be an expression about the spaces to live.<<<reason
what shape? WHY??? 
what colour? WHY???
erich mendelson's expression

An idea to make a COMFORTABLE space. <<<reason
  • the location
  • volume of space
  • material
a CONCEPT of the building. <<<

these all need REASON to accomplish the purpose of architecture.


Sunday 7 August 2011

you are an archi student when.........

1. ...the alarm clock tells you when to go to sleep.
2.'re not ashamed of drooling in class anymore, especially in the Structures lecture.
3. know what Fevicol tastes like.
4. CELEBRATE space and OBSERVE your birthday.
5. and cokes are tools, not treats.
6. ...people get nauseous just by smelling your caffeine breath.
7. get surprised when you see a new building in your school.
8. think it's possible to CREATE space.
9.'ve slept more than 20 hours non-stop in a single weekend.
10. fight with inanimate objects.
11.'ve fallen asleep in the washroom.
12.'re brother or sister thinks he or she is an only child.
13.'ve listened to all your CDs in less than 48 hours.
14.'re not seen in public.
15. lose your room keys for a week and you don't even notice.
16.'ve brushed your teeth and washed your hair in the school's washroom. 
17.'ve discovered the benefits of having none or very short hair.
You've started to appreciate inheriting baldness.
18.'ve used an entire role of film to photograph the sidewalk.
19. always carry your deodorant.
20. become excellent at recycling when making models.
21. ...when you try to communicate, you make a continuous and monotonous whine.
22. buy a RM15 and aboveto buy magazine that you havent read yet.
23. take notes and messages with a rapidograph and colour markers.
24. combine breakfast, lunch and dinner into one single meal.
25. see holidays only as extra sleeping time.
26.'ve got more photographs of buildings than of actual people.
27.'ve taken your girlfriend on a date to a construction site.
28.'ve realised that french curves are not that exciting.
29. can live without human contact, food or daylight, but if you can't print. it's chaos.
30... when youre being shown pictures of a trip, you ask what the human scale is.
31. can use Photoshop, Illustrator and make a web page, but you don't know how to use Excel.
32....You refer to great architects (dead or alive) by their first name, as if you knew them. (Frank, Corbu, Mies, Norman...)

p/s : repost from someone's note. agree with them? you choose. ^_^


korang tau tak SKP tu apa? selama cuti 4 bulan ni la aku jadi SKP. tak tau jugak ? SKP tu Skim Khidmat Pelajar, khas untuk pelajar2 UiTM yg nak buat part time kt sana.
kerja aku ni tak berat pon. KERANI la katakan. banyak kena menghadap komputer.
oh, sblum tu lupa bagitau. aku ni kira kerja kerani bawah BAHAGIAN KEWANGAN UiTM Perlis, kecikkan skop lagi Unit Pengurusan Harta Benda. fuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh.penat nak explen pon.

gaji SKP ni kira mcm ni. sejam RM4.00. ok la tu, takat ada SPM je kan memang payah nk boleh gaji banyak. syukur la bole kerja. kalo tak p kerja sehari tak ada la duit masuk. so, kpd kawan2 yg dok ckp aku monteng je, kata la.tak heran pon sbb aku tak makan gajji buta. tak p kerja, tak dpt duit. p kerja dpt la duit. hehe =)

surat tawaran SKP

surat lanjutan

surat tawaran lanjutan

mcm sedia maklum, korang tgk list nama tu.aku sorang ja bunga yg kerja kat situ. yang lain, semua lelaki. adoi.janggal gila time kerja. so, aku tak menjadi diri aku la masa kat tmpt kerja. haha
staf2 kat situ dok kata dalam mulut aku ada ketul batu. bukan ada ketul batu, tapi cek segan la. tak tau mcm mana nak join org laki sembang + org lebih tua dari aku. 

p/s: kata sana, aku paling muda & satu2nya perempuan. kawan2 SKP yg lain tua beberapa thn dari aku. 

peace ^_^